Still working...

Getting Consistent in All Things

As you can see, I haven’t shared an update here since May. At first, I thought that maintaining the blog really didn’t matter, but the more I’ve been thinking about it, I’ve come to realize what a good idea it is. If nothing else, it’s a space to allow me to practice my craft, to get words onto “paper,” and share more musings than I’m able to on Instagra, (even though I do enjoy sharing content there too!).

My goal moving forward is to write a new blog post each week. It could be an update, a book review, a writing prompt, etc., but whatever it is, it will be here once a week.

Ever since I was laid off from my ed tech job back in November, I’ve struggled to get consistency in my life in the form of routine. Routine is something that I thrive in, but have struggled to find one since the lay off. The past few weeks I’ve finally been able to start getting into a better routine and I’m excited to propel forward with the new habits I’ve been building.

Some of these include daily dog walks, combining strength and cardio training, writing and editing, and actually maintaining my household. It’s all still a work in progress but it’s getting better and I’m slowly getting more consistent in all the things I want to be doing.

I’ve found that a checklist particularly helps me keep on top of things that need to get done. My current planner does not work well with this system though so I’m really excited to have found a planner that does. I’ll be switching back to the Day Designer for 2025 and I very much look forward to it.

Those are just a few of my rambles for today about creating routine and consistency. It’s a start. I’d love to hear from anyone who reads this how you do it or if you prefer to live spontaneously (like my husband does).

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