Lindsey Baltz, Fantasy Author

Book Updates

Lindsey is currently editing her manuscript and will be starting the query process soon!

Reading Updates

Book reviews and monthly overviews will be posted in the blog.

Writing Rambles

Posts about things learned in the writing process.

Check out my blog posts!

Lindsey is currently editing her debut fantasy novel, drawing inspiration from Lord of the Rings and the legend of the Sword in the Stone, sprinkled with some Norse mythology. Think elves and humans working together to bring peace to their lands against a growing, evil threat. The story follows Gabriela, an elf with a telepathic bond to her twin brother, as she struggles through the realities of war with her chosen family and finds love along the way. The idea for this book first came to Lindsey when she was 16. While the content has changed significantly since then, the title has remained the same. More news to come!

Lindsey was born and raised in Virginia, and after a brief stint in another state, she is back again. When she’s not editing her novel, she’s reading other fantasy books, running long miles outdoors, playing with her two amazing pups, or enjoying time with her spouse and family.

You can follow her on Instagram, TikTok, and Goodreads.